
Meet the COALESCE Lab members

Current members

Marc Alcalà i Rams

Ph.D. Student in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Joan Oró Fellow (FI 2024)

Michał Bojanowski

Postdoctoral researcher, also assistant professor of Kozminski University, Warsaw

Lara Désirée Brinker

PhD student in Social Anthropology

Alejandro Ciordia

Affiliated researcher

Adrià Fenoy Barceló

Affiliated member, PhD in Computer Science

Zhiyi Jin

PhD student in Social Anthropology and Sociology

Yunsub Lee

Postdoctoral researcher

Miranda Lubbers

Director of the COALESCE Lab, Full Professor

Alexi Quintana Mathé

Visiting researcher, PhD student in Network Science at Northeastern University

Núria Targarona Rifà

PhD student in Social Anthropology

Sigrún Valsdóttir

PhD student in Social Anthropology, joint international doctorate with the University of Iceland and predoctoral grant holder of the University of Iceland

Nigel Van Herwijnen

PhD student in Social Anthropology and Sociology, joint international doctorate with the University of Milan

Past members and past visitors

Sophie De Lede

Visiting student (Jan-May 2023), MSc in Cross-Cultural Psychology, University of Osnabrück

Gonzalo Franetovic

Visiting researcher, PhD student (Sept.-Dec. 2023), University of Milan

Basak Bilecen

Professor, University of Groningen

Alícia Lozano Ferrer

Research assistant (Jan.-April 2023), BSc student in Social and Cultural Anthropology

Karla Nahuelpan Sánchez

PhD student in Social Anthropology, predoctoral grant holder of ANID (Chile)

Cristina Rodríguez Reche

Lab manager (September-December 2022)

Jan Willem Simons

Visiting PhD student, University of Utrecht (April-July 2023)

Eva Jaspers

Full Professor, University of Utrecht