Yunsub Lee

Postdoctoral researcher

Research interests Social cohesion
Social networks
Agent-based modelling
Analytical sociology

Yunsub Lee is a postdoctoral researcher at the COALESCE Lab. He holds a PhD degree in Sociology from Cornell University, where he conducted research on the social capital of power-dependence relations. Before going to Cornell, he received an MA degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina and a BA in Sociology and BSc in Mathematics from Hanyang University in Seoul.

In 2022, Yunsub received ASA's Rationality and Society Section Award for Best Paper by a Graduate Student for his article "Power-dependence relations within Structural Holes and Network Closure: Evidence from different survival mechanisms of actors and directors in the U.S. film industry," and the Robert McGinnis Best Paper Award for the paper “A Monte Carlo Approach to Measuring Centrality: How to Identify Influential Nodes within Context-Specific Network Flows”.

During his PhD studies, Yunsub has been a teaching assistant for multiple courses, and received the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from the Department of Sociology at Cornell University in 2019. He was also a research assistant for Filiz Garip and for the Root of Stem project led by Elizabeth Stearns.

Yunsub´s research interests are social networks, social capital, social exchange, emotion and economic action, formal modeling, computational methods, and analytical sociology.



  • alt
    CULTURAL AND OPINION DYNAMICS IN SMALL-WORLD "SOCIAL" NETWORKS Lee, Y. (2025). Journal of Mathematical Sociology (online first): 1-26. DOI