Alícia Lozano Ferrer

Research assistant, BSc student in Social and Cultural Anthropology

Research interests Social cohesion
Social exclusion
Social movements and collective action

I am a research assistant who received a collaboration fellowship with the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) from the Spanish Ministry of Education. In that capacity, I spend a few months each at several research groups, among which the COALESCE Lab (from January to April 2023), where I have collected national statistics for the survey countries of the PATCHWORK project, transcribed interviews for the INCLUSIVITY project and participated in meetings and reading groups. Thanks to my experience in this research group, I have a rewarding approach to interdisciplinary and mixed-methods research.

Some research topics that interest me in particular are processes of social exclusion and cohesion, social movements, popular culture, and social control. I am also doing my curricular BA degree internship at the Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Associacionisme Cultural of the Generalitat de Catalunya.


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    REPENSEM CODERCH: UNA MIRADA INTERDISCIPLINAR ENTRE L'ARQUITECTURA I L'ANTROPOLOGIA Alícia Lozano Ferrer, Desirée Luque López (2022). Perifèria: Revista de Recerca i Formació en Antropologia, 2 (27): 131-140. DOI