Adrià Fenoy Barceló

PhD in Computer Science

Research interests Agent-based modelling

I am affiliated to the COALESCE Lab, having formerly been a research assistant at the lab (September-December 2023). I have recently obtained my PhD in Computer Science at the University of Verona, which I will defend in 2023. My research topics revolve around the integration of Machine Learning in classical Combinatorial Optimization approaches, focusing on those involving the formation of small collectives of agents: ridesharing in autonomous cities, formation of teams in the classroom or task assignment in multi-agent pickup and delivery problems. Previously, I graduated in Physics and I hold a Master's degree in Modelling for Science and Engineering, both at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). I am interested in the use of mathematical tools to study society, both from a modelling and an analytical point of view. Moreover, I enjoy learning about new fields, always bringing my mathematical perspective to understand, formalize and propose solutions to emerging problems.


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    AN ATTENTION MODEL FOR THE FORMATION OF COLLECTIVES IN REAL-WORLD DOMAINS Fenoy, A., Bistaffa, F., Farinelli, A. (2024). Artificial Intelligence: 104064. DOI
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    AUTOMATED NAME SELECTION FOR THE NETWORK SCALE-UP METHOD Fenoy, A., Bojanowski, M., Lubbers, M. J. (2024). Field Methods, 36 (3): 249-265. Preprint