This academic year, our reading group, led by Dr. Yunsub Lee, focuses each time on one text we have prepared ourselves for submission to a journal and on an already published text by others that gives background to our own work.
On October 10th, 2023, Dr. Yunsub Lee presented his text "Cultural and Opinion Dynamics in Small-World Social Networks", and a related text, Flache, A., & Macy, M. W. (2011). Small Worlds and Cultural Polarization. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 35, 146-176.
On October 30th, 2023, Dr. Michal Bojanowski presents his draft on how best to use NSUM models, and combines it with a general overview of NSUM models, McCormick, T. H. (2020). The network scale-up method. In R. Light & J. Moody (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks (pp. 153–169). Oxford University Press.